From science fiction to reality: How young people of the 21st century are embracing AI and changing the future today

    The twenty-first century saw incredible technological advances, with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) being one of the most significant. AI is revolutionising our world, and young people born in the 21st century are not being left behind.

    Today, individuals who grew up during that age are enthusiastically adopting AI and using its capacity to improve different parts of their life. They are adopting AI to revolutionise numerous parts of their lives because of the tremendous breakthroughs in technology over the last several decades. AI integration is offering chances for innovation and growth in various fields.

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    Education is a crucial tool for young people to harness AI. AI-powered educational technologies are changing how students learn by providing personalised learning experiences that are suited to each student’s specific needs. These tools can assist students in identifying areas of weakness, tracking their progress, and adapting to their preferred learning techniques.

    Young people also benefit from AI through professional development. AI-powered job search engines can assist young people in locating positions that match their talents and interests. Furthermore, AI-powered resume generators may assist young people in creating successful resumes that showcase their talents and boost their chances of getting an interview.

    In addition to education and professional growth, 21st-century youth are utilising AI in employment. Routine chores may be automated with AI-powered solutions, freeing up time to devote to innovative and tactical work. They may obtain insights into company patterns and consumer behaviour using AI-powered analytics solutions, allowing them to make better-informed choices and drive growth.

    Commenting on this amazing insight, Sherman Foo, Founder of S Capital Consolidated, says, “The 21st century has seen an explosion in the use and development of AI technologies. Young people, in particular, have been at the forefront of embracing and shaping the future of AI. I predict it is inevitable the youth will seek to create innovative applications, advocating for ethical AI and so forth, towards a better future.”

    Despite the numerous benefits of AI, there are certain possible drawbacks that young individuals ought to be aware of. There is a risk, for example, that AI will aggravate existing inequities by propagating prejudices in its decision-making processes. Furthermore, there are fears that AI will displace human employees, especially in businesses that rely largely on automation.

    It is critical that young people obtain sufficient education and training to use AI responsibly and ethically. The next generation should be educated on how to utilise AI tools properly and informed about the possible hazards and drawbacks. Furthermore, politicians and industry professionals should collaborate to set ethical standards and regulations for the advancement and application of AI.

    Finally, young people may benefit from AI in a variety of ways, ranging from education to job development and entrepreneurship. However, it is critical to be mindful of the possible hazards and drawbacks associated with artificial intelligence and to utilise it responsibly and ethically. With the right education and supervision, young people can use AI to their own advantage and contribute to creating a brighter tomorrow for the world.

    This article was written by Kelly Ngoh, a double major in International Trade and Marketing Student at Victoria University @ Sunway KL. In her own words, she has a heart for the younger generations like herself and hopes to inspire them by being a great role model and a mentor to them one day. Kelly is currently a contributing writer for News Hub Asia in her free time. News Hub Asia's new seal logo is a black spot with the letters 'NHA' inscribed in the centre with three diagonal dots in white.