Superannuation for Expats

After representing a Superfund Throughout SE Asia, it was noticed early on that the main qualified and experienced Superannuation advisers are predominantly in Hong Kong and Singapore. As I’ve resided in Malaysia since 2008, I made the decision to revert to my previous role in Financial Services and ensure that Individuals that have Super, have the correct charging structure and portfolio selection together with regular legal tax updates, should they return back to Australia or not.

As an Expat myself, I fully understand the lifestyle changes and Super becomes a further distant memory from back home when you see Superannuation on the TV, social media and mail every week. The only time now you get reminded is by your annual statement and that gets looked over briefly and recently the results have been shocking due to the Global pandemic which hit funds hard!

It’s now more important than ever to ensure you Super has “Health Check” which normally carries a fee of 2,000AUD upwards. I’m offering a free full heath check to all in this uncertain times as it’s the right thing to do. Just click on the link and connect

Raj Chawla

Raj has represented several multi jurisdictional Trustee and Pension funds Globally and has experience working with Australia Superannuation, UK private and USA pension structures.

He has travelled the world conducting expat seminars and is now based in Malaysia where he resides in both Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru. Raj also travels throughout Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines and Cambodia given his client base in the Region. In Malaysia he’s the chairman for Malaysia Australia Business Council – Southern Region and sits on the State Liaison Committee for Malaysia Crime Prevention Federation.
