International Volunteer Day for Economic And Social Development: “Volunteer Build Resilient Communities”

    “The diverse and dynamic role of volunteerism in promoting the Sustainable
    Development Goals merits strong support from Governments and other
    stakeholders. On this International Day, I thank volunteers for their
    efforts to leave no one behind.” — António Guterres, UN Secretary-General

    International Volunteer Day (IVD) mandated by the UN General Assembly, is
    held each year on the 5th December. It is viewed as a unique chance for
    volunteers and organisations to celebrate their efforts, to share their
    values, and to promote their work among their communities,
    non-governmental organizations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, government
    authorities and the private sector.

    Apart from mobilising thousands of volunteers every year, the United
    Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme contributes to peace and development by
    advocating for the recognition of volunteers and working with partners to
    integrate volunteerism into development programming.
    This year’s theme “Volunteers build Resilient Communities” to celebrate
    volunteers efforts that strengthen local ownership and the resilience of
    the community in the face of natural disasters, economic stresses and
    political shocks.

    The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme is mandated to support and
    promote IVD celebrations worldwide. Apart from mobilising thousands of
    volunteers every year, UNV contributes to peace and development by
    advocating for the recognition of volunteers and working with partners to
    integrate volunteerism into development programming. Every year, over
    6,500 UN Volunteers serve with UN entities in some of the most challenging
    environments across the world, and 12,000 UN Online Volunteers complete
    over 20,000 assignments online through the UNV Online Volunteering

    At the World Assembly of Youth (WAY) we recognise the effort put in by
    volunteers and the contribution they make to all programmes and activities
    in our global community. Since its establishment in year 2006, the World
    Assembly of Youth’s Volunteer Programme was initiated as a platform that
    links the youth all around the world that seeks to develop a dedicated
    group of young people who are willing to assist in WAY programmes and
    activities around the world. This programme works towards the elevation of
    youth and their development into leaders who are willing to donate some of
    their time and energy to support WAY in achieving its goals and aims.

    Volunteerism is important for young people because it enriches our
    society, brings us together as a community and strengthens civic
    engagement, safeguards social inclusion deepens solidarity and solidifies
    ownership of development results.

    Let us all join hands to strengthen volunteerism to build a community with
    a shared future for our youth and mankind so as to contribute their wisdom
    and power and jointly build a better world for all.