HCBP’17 Conference – Employee Experience

    This year’s HCBP’17 Conference will focus on “Employee Experience”. Organised by Maslow Trainers and Consultants, held on the 26th September 2017 at the JW Marriott in Kuala Lumpur.

    A well-designed Employee Experience is the foundation for a great Customer Experience. The employee experience is the operating environment at work. If this environment is properly structured, it will deliver predictable results. The employee experience impacts the way an individual thinks, feels, performs, and his performance impacts the Customer Experience. Hence, building the “Right” Employee Experience is critical to deliver the desired Customer Experience.
    Rejuvenating Employee Lifecycle Designing a unique employee experience inherently requires following the Employee Lifecycle; from the moment employees file an application, to their exit interview and even after they leave the company. The goal is not to build a well-functioning, chronological experience for the employees. The goal is to design an Employee Lifecycle where engagement grows and thrives. From “voice of the employee” to “employee journey mapping”, the most forward-thinking HC directors are applying numerous methodologies to design a unique Employee Lifecycle for their employees and seeing amazing results.
    At HCBP’17 Conference, expert speakers will be providing inspiring ideas by sharing their insights through case-studies and real examples, which combined with dynamic, interactive panels, will give delegates all the right tools and information needed on how to make an HC strategy a success. HCBP’17 Conference presents a unique opportunity to stay well-informed and up to date on the trends, challenges and strategies in employee experience design, as well as enablement and empowerment, with the objective of delivering high quality customer service HCBP’17 Conference brings concrete case studies on transforming the employee experience. An event designed to provide its audience with open, interactive discussions on key HC and communication issues, challenges and opportunities. Delegates will have the opportunity to dive deep into the topics that mean the most to them, benchmark best practices to overcome organisational challenges, gain practical and tactical advice.

    The Human Capital Review is a proud supporter of this pivotal conference, for more details about this invitation only event visit www,mtcasean.com/hcbp/ for info but registration details go to http://j.mp/2wDKBy0%0a